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vt 用篙撑船,摆船vt 航海 用一根杆来推动 以杆推进 以杆支撑植物 用杆子击打戳或搅拌例句The truck crashed into a telegraph pole 卡车撞到了电线杆上其他 第三人称单数Pol;The Telegraph 每日电讯报电讯报英国电讯报英国每日电讯报 In the middle of the newsroom, the Telegraph has two flatscreens在编辑部的正中央,电讯报安放了两个平板电视很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习。

你好,很高兴回答你的问题The sparrow out of the window is talkative on the telegraph pole You says that this has the felling of the summer very much The pencil in the hand come up the return back in。

14 这位曾经将车3次撞向了电线杆的女士是我妈妈 The lady had the car 3 times hit a telegraph pole is my mother15 在我超过了哪两我买不起的车后,我想司机挥了挥手 In my more than two I can;the daily telegraph 每日电讯报英国每日电讯报每曰电讯报英国每日电邮报 Mather was film critic on the Daily Telegraph for many years马瑟多年来一直担任每日电讯报的影评人很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习;啊 ah 啊哈 aha 爱 love 安静的 silent 安静地 silently 安全 safety 安全的 safe 安装修理 fix 按顺序 in order 按照,如同,当,因为 as 昂贵的 expensive 嗷,哎哟 ouch 澳大利亚 Australia 澳大利亚人 Australian。

copper pole 铜杆 双语例句 1 For here we can see that, rareearth additive can remove harmful substances in liquid Cu effectively so that conductivity of nonoxygen copper pole is enhanced至此我们可以看出;On the second trip of the afternoon he ran into a crowd about half way along the line, that had blocked the car#39s progress with an old telegraph pole他下午第二次出车时,开到半路遇到了一群人,他们用;磁极 词典 pole 物 magnetic pole dip pole例句这是另一个磁极,一个磁极和So this is one of the magnetic poles and this is the other magnetic pole。

The window in the pole shoot sparrows You say that this is a summer feeling Hands pencil to paper to the Hui I use the word to describe a few lines of who you are, I Saury taste of the cat with。


电报telegraph电冰箱 fridge电池battery电话打电话 phone=telephone电话打电话给 telephone电话传呼机 beeper电脑,计算机 computer电视机 TV电梯云雾消散 lift电影film电影movie电影院电影 cinema电子的 electronic电子邮件 email;the uk#39s daily telegraph 英国每日电讯报 双语对照 例句1Libyan rebels rescued the pilot after he ejected from the warplane whichcame down near benghazi, the uk#39s daily telegraph reported英国每日电讯报称。




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